DNK : Documentatieblad voor de Nederlandse kerkgeschiedenis na 1800 | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online

DNK : Documentatieblad voor de Nederlandse kerkgeschiedenis na 1800

Open Access

As of 2020 this journal is published in “Diamond Open Access” following the Subscribe to Open model (S2O). Thanks to the continued support of subscribers and sponsors all articles are published in immediate open access. Authors of articles published in this journal and they keep the copyright to their work and make the contents available to third-party users through one of the following Creative Commons 4.0 licenses: CC BY-NC-ND, CC-BY or CC-BY-SA.

Peer review

Articles submitted for publication will be reviewed by the editors of the journal and by external experts through peer review.

Editorial office

Please consult our Instructions for Authors before submitting your manuscript for review.

Manuscripts can be sent to the editorial secretary:
Mirjam Hofman, Archief- en Documentatiecentrum Kampen
[email protected]


Prof. dr. Leon van den Broeke, Theologische Universiteit Kampen|Utrecht
Prof. dr. George Harinck, Theologische Universiteit Kampen|Utrecht / Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (editor-in-chief)
Mirjam Hofman MA, Archief- en Documentatiecentrum Kampen (secretary)
Dr. Dirk van Keulen, Theologische Universiteit Kampen|Utrecht
Dr. Gert van Klinken, Protestantse Theologische Universiteit Amsterdam / Groningen
Dr. Elza Kuyk, Remonstrants Seminarium Amsterdam
Dr. Leo Mietus, Seminarie van de Bond van Vrije Evangelische Gemeenten Amsterdam
Dr. Sjoerd Mulder, Tilburg University
Dr. Lodewijk Winkeler, Katholiek Documentatie Centrum Nijmegen
Dr. Rolf van der Woude, Theologische Universiteit Kampen|Utrecht

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