The private musical memoirs of Dutch nobleman Alexander Michiels van Kessenich (1800–1869) | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online
Volume 28 Number 1
  • ISSN: 1381-0065
  • E-ISSN: 2772-7726



The memoirs that the Dutch nobleman Alexander Michiels van Kessenich (1800–1869) published in 1858–1859 offer a unique perspective on nineteenthcentury social music history. They were public in the sense of being printed, but private in the sense that the publication was not for sale. Because of a lack of editorial rigor the text comes across as a highly informal collection of personal musical memories. The unusual format of this publication is mirrored in its content. With his insistence that in their music making members of the aristocracy should avoid mingling with the lower classes and his obvious fondness for contemporary French opera, the musical memoirs of this Dutch nobleman demonstrate that to him, and probably many more like him, the burgeoning ideals of nineteenth-century middle-class music life were simply irrelevant.


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