AUP Advances | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online

AUP Advances

image of AUP Advances
ISSN: 2589-6725
E-ISSN: 2589-6733

The prestige of conferences can be enhanced with a publication that counts! Don’t let your conference presentations, proceedings and articles get lost on old websites: AUP offers a permanent record that is indexed, archived, citable and published with a leading university press.Publish your conference abstracts or articles as a special themed issue in our journal ‘AUP Advances’. This international, open access, online journal is published on the well-known Ingenta Connect platform and is indexed by leading services such as the Directory of Open Access journals DOAJ, Google Scholar and EBSCO. All abstracts are individually citable by their unique Digital Object Identifier. Amsterdam University Press can also print your article collection or book in print in addition to online publication with Open Access.

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