Volume 47, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1781-7838
  • E-ISSN: 1783-1792



The Pri Ets Haim is a collection of approximately 950 Responsa produced by the Ets Haim Rabbinical Seminary over the period 1728-1808. The responsa have been indexed, summarized, and cross-referenced, and some articles have dealt with individual questions. This paper explores the infrastructure maintaining the production of the collection over its 80-year life span. It answers questions such as: At any given time how many PEH authors participated, what was their level of contribution, and, for each author, over what length of time? Were the responsa written in a sufficiently timely manner, to support a monthly edition over 80 years? Under some reasonable assumptions, when were the responsa issued? The paper also includes links to the extant responsa, clickable in the online edition.


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