oa Transformations of the Other's Image in Transmedia. Discussion on the Example of The Witcher
- Publisher: Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Social Sciences and Humanities Proceedings, The 5th International Conference on Art Studies: Research, Experience, Education (ICASSEE 2021), Dec 2021, Volume 1, p.149 - 154
- ISBN: 9789048557240
In this article, the author addresses the topic of the Other in transmedia. The object of the study was visual works about the Witcher: the novels of A. Sapkowski, the Polish TV series "The Witcher" (Wiedzmin, 2002), the TV series "The Witcher" (2019), the rock opera "Road without Return" (ESSE, 2009), computer games (The Witcher / 2008, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings / 2011, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt / 2014), comics and game streaming. The aim of the study was the accents made by the creators of these works, a comparison of the most acutely presented topics. The key aspect of this article was the ratio of time and space, and its interpretations in various transmedia products, the transformation of the Witcher's image in his visual and aesthetic representations. The author concludes that transmedia is the actor of the so-called "humanization" (that is, anthropic saturation) of stories about Others.