oa Big data, grand challenges: On digitization and humanities researchThis article is an original translation of José van Dijck’s Ketelaarlezing: ‘Big Data, Grand Challenges. Over digitalisering en het geesteswetenschappelijk onderzoek’, organized by the Nationaal Archief and the Koninklijke Vereniging van Archivarissen in Nederland at December 10, 2014. www.kvan.nl/files/Ketelaarlezing/Ketelaar12_2014-DEF.pdf.
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: KWALON, Volume 21, Issue 1, Mar 2016,
Due to the digitization of sources, humanities scholars have to develop new research questions and methodologies. This article theorizes the ‘digital turn’ by looking at three challenges: the necessity of combining qualitative and quantitative methods; the dilemma of multidisciplinary cooperation; and the ideological question of why and how the humanities should be concerned with a new digital materiality. We need the expertise of humanities scholars – their critical insights, analytical acuity, and knowledge of ambiguity and diversity – to make sense of a digital culture that permeates and directs our daily life.
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