oa Zwelgen in emoties
Belgische anti-alcoholpropaganda in het licht van de projectielantaarn (1897-1914)
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: De Moderne Tijd, Volume 6, Issue 2/3, Oct 2022, p. 96 - 115
- 01 Oct 2022
Indulging in emotions. Belgian anti-alcohol propaganda in the light of the projection lantern (1897-1914)
The use of the projection lantern for anti-alcohol propaganda in Britain, France, and the United States during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries has already been comprehensively researched and discussed. Several international studies concluded that temperance campaigns notably contributed to the development and success of the projection lantern medium. For the very first time, this contribution focuses on the Belgian context and places it in an international perspective, demonstrating that the lantern was also frequently used in Belgium by scientific, Catholic, and liberal associations. Inspired by temperance activities in England and France, the projection lantern was mobilised for the battle against alcohol abuse in Belgium and stimulated social and moral change amongst the Belgian population. This article also provides insight into the use of the lantern as an intermedial and multimodal communication medium and its potential to propagate social and moral messages, particularly by stirring the emotions of the audience.