Volume 45 Number 4
  • ISSN: 0167-2444
  • E-ISSN: 2949-8651



Psychological problems among young people are very common, as I know from my own experience. The default way of treating these problems is by classifying them as psychological syndromes like depression and treating them with pharmaceutics. Using examples from my own experience I try to argue that Heidegger offers a more relevant perspective. I argue that the way society treats psychological problems is a symptom of the technical and instrumental way our modern society distorts our view on existence. Heidegger argues that negative moods are in fact confrontations with the important questions of life. Instead of treating them as illnesses they should be treasured and seen as signals for change. In accordance with Damiaan Denys I argue that instead of psychological treatment, mental education is a more promising alternative.


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