Volume 31, Issue 2024
  • ISSN: 1381-0065
  • E-ISSN: 2772-7726



It is well known that bookbinders reused parchment leaves from discarded manuscripts to strengthen the bindings of new books. So far, little attention has been paid to the reuse of the bookbinding materials that have been reused in bookbindings. In this article we focus on these materials that have been recycled in bookbindings, e.g. boards, covers, wrappers, metal fastenings, ivory plaques. Using online databases with digitized books to check the bindings we were able to find many new examples of reuse in addition to the examples we came across in our daily work with books. Our corpus of 189 bindings enabled us to identify different types of reuse. This article presents our preliminary findings and provides a framework for recognising different types of recycled binding materials. With this framework we hope to pave the way for further research.


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