Jaarboek voor Nederlandse Boekgeschiedenis

Yearbook for Dutch Book History

Aims & Scope

The Yearbook for Dutch Book History publishes articles in the Dutch and English language on all aspects of the book history of the Low Countries. The Yearbook is aimed at a broad spectrum of readers, including scholars, bibliophiles and specialists in the library and heritage sectors. The Yearbook welcomes contributions on varied methodologies of book history, ranging from studies on the materiality of the book, paleography and visual culture, to readers and readership, libraries and book collecting and digital developments in the realm of the book. Scholarly contributions are subject to double-blind peer review. An accessible and narrative style of writing is especially valued, given that the Yearbook also functions as the journal of the Dutch Book Historical Association (NBV).

Each issue of the Yearbook contains a combination of articles on a central theme, and a selection of other articles. Examples of recent themes include: music, the book and illustration, illegal and underground publishing, news and current affairs, and paper. Articles may be accompanied by a lengthy summary in a language other than the language of the article. The Yearbook also accepts, on an incidental basis, relevant non-scholarly contributions or articles in which broader international developments in the discipline are discussed, including review articles. Contributions about the Low Countries’ book culture in international or transcultural perspective are also welcomed. The deadline for contributions is 1 November.


Cécile de Morrée (editor-in-chief)
Henriët Graafland (editorial assistant)
Steven Claeyssens (member)
Trude Dijkstra (member)
Fleur Praal (member)
Martine van Rhijn-Verhoef (member)
Merel Waeyaert (member)
Arthur der Weduwen (member)

Editorial office

Henriët Graafland
E-mail: [email protected] 

Please consult our author instructions before submitting your manuscript for review

Instructions for Authors (English)
Instructions for Authors (Dutch)

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