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De theologie en de geschriften van her Jodendom
*Dit artikel is ontstaan als Diescollege ter gelegenheid vand de 408ste Dies Natalis van de Leids Universiteit.
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 38, Issue 1, Jan 1984, p. 1 - 16
- 01 Jan 1984
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The Christian attitude towards the sources of Judaism has always been one of self-interest. In our century the ideals of critical scholarship and the diminishing role of Christianity have changed this to some extent. Modern interest mainly comes from New Testament scholars, but the question of the relation between the Church and the Jews is also a living issue, in which, however, the Hebrew sources are neglected. Christian interests tend to rashness in the application of the results of the study of the sources, as is shown by the example of Targum studies, Talmud and Midrash, and Jewish exegesis. Theology first has to make clear that the study of Judaism matters at all. Knowledge of the sources is a vital condition for an answer on this question, which is too often answered in the positive without sufficient reflection.