oa Theologie: een wetenschap?
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 38, Issue 1, Jan 1984, p. 45 - 66
- 01 Jan 1984
Modern systematic theology, as it is taught in state-universities on the Continent and elsewhere, is worried by two closely interrelated philosophical questions: Is it possible for theology to be scientific in some minimal sense of the word?, and: Does theology rightly occupy a place within our universities? In the present article, written on the occasion of the inaugural lectures of Prof. Adriaanse and Prof. Van de Beek and of the valedictory lecture of Prof. Berkhof, all from Leiden University, the dilemma evoked by these fundamental questions is analysed from a logical point of view, and the respective escapes from it are critically discussed.
© H. Philipse