oa Hugo de Groot en de Remonstranten
*Tekst van een voordracht gehouden te Rotterdam op uitnodiging van het Historisch Genootschap Roterodamum en de Remonstrantse Gemeente ter plaatse op 12 april 1983 ter gelegenheid van Hugo de Groots geboortedag.
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 38, Issue 2, Apr 1984, p. 111 - 125
- 01 Apr 1984
The article deals with Grotius’ involvement in the Remonstrant-Contra-Remonstrant struggles in the Netherlands. It is pointed out that Grotius’ involvement is to be considered mainly as due to his political responsibilities and his fervent search for peace and tolerance both in church and state. Although theologically on the side of the Remonstrants, he cannot be regarded as a Remonstrant in a full sense of the word. His interests lay elsewhere, especially since he was increasingly preoccupied with the unity of Christianity as a whole. In this light, the article traces some Remonstrant appreciations of Grotius. Special reference is made to the relationship between Grotius and Episcopius and the difference in their views on Christian unity.