oa Waarom Grotius als oecumenisch theoloog mislukken moest
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 38, Issue 4, Oct 1984, p. 290 - 297
- 01 Oct 1984
Hugo Grotius, 1583-1645, was highly gifted and widely renowned as an irenic theologian and Church politician. Why was he unsuccessful, indeed provoked only new polemics?
We seek the essential cause in the direction of his ecumenical thought. He ventured back to the era of unity before the schisms and plurality, i.e. essentially to the consensus quinquesaecularis.
We demonstrate in some detail how Grotius drifted away from the Arminian positions of his youth, insisting on the tradition of idealizing the pia antiquitas, to the neglect of undeniable realities. This no longer seems to be a practicable possibility.
© A.M. van Peski