oa Heinrich Scholz – Karl Barth
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 39, Issue 1, Jan 1985, p. 295 - 313
- 01 Jan 1985
In 1929-1931 Heinrich Scholz and Karl Barth debated the scientific status of theology. The present article examines their discussion and corrects the common misunderstanding that Scholz defended a kind of ‘unified science’ or wanted (systematic) theology to be built up along the lines of an axiomatic-deductive system. Further, it is argued that Barth comes to his disapproval of Scholz’s ‘pagan’ understanding of science on the basis of his view on theology as a ‘Glaubenswissenschaft’: The Word of God cannot be measured by human scientific standards. Pannenberg, who accepts Scholz’s ‘minimal’-view on science, rightly criticizes Barth: one cannot claim theology to be a science and at the same time reject the common scientific standards.
© A.L. Molendijk