oa Sporen van pneuma-christologie in de vroege Syrische traditie
*Het onderzoek dal ten grondslag ligt aan dit artikel werd verricht in het kader van een stipendium dat mij verleend was door de Nederlandse Organisatie voor Zuiver Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Z.W.O. in de periode van 1 oktober 1984 - 1 oktober 1985.
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 42, Issue 3, Jul 1988, p. 208 - 219
- 01 Jul 1988
This article contains the results of an inquiry into traces of Spirit Christology in the early Syriac tradition. The study was limited to the Odes of Solomon, the Demonstrations of Aphrahat and the Sermo de Domino Nostro of Ephrem. The conclusion is that we find here a climate propitious for Spirit Christology. The continuity of and similarity between Christ and believers lies in the gift of the Holy Spirit to both. The supposed dangers of adoptianism and Nestorianism have prevented theologians from gathering in this profit. The increased interest in Spirit Christology gives rise to a wider examination than that which underlies this article.