oa Geven als vreemdeling
Over de herkomst van een merkwaardige variant van Ms. 713 in Mattheus 17, 26
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 42, Issue 2, Apr 1988, p. 99 - 113
- 01 Apr 1988
This contribution deals with the peculiar addition (§ 2, 1-2) in Matth. 17, 26, found in ‘Codex Algerinae Peckover’ (Scr. 561, Sod. ε 351, Greg. 713) now preserved in Selly Oak College, Birmingham. This medieval cursive (§ 3, 1-3), which betrays not a few affinities with the Ferrar group of minuscels, has undergone the influence of Syriac and Tatianic tradition. The addition of 713 is also found in the Diatessaron (§ 4,1), as appears from the testimonies of Ephraem’s commentary on this work (TE: § 4, 2-5) and from the Arabic version of the harmony (TA: § 4, 6-7). The place of the addition is between vs. 26 and vs. 27 (so TA and 713), which is not contradicted by the place of the reference in TE (§ 5, 2-5). A residue of the addition is found in early Latin tradition (§ 5, 6). The origin of the addition in 713 is to be sought in the Diatessaron (§ 6, 1-3), and may be explained either as a dualistic gloss to the text made by Tatian (§ 6, 4) or rather as an example of Tatian’s use of other sources, most probably the Gospel according to the Hebrews (§6.5).