oa Het verheerlijkte gezicht van Mozes
*Aan het einde van het artikel bevindt zieh een overzicht van literatuur over Ex. 34:29-35. Het werk van auteurs, wier naam in de tekst of in de aantekeningen zonder nadere aanduiding wordt genoemd, wordt daar vermeld.
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 43, Issue 1, Jan 1989, p. 1 - 10
- 01 Jan 1989
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With regard to Ex. 34:29-35 two problems are discussed: 1. The meaning of qāran ‘ŵr pānâw/pe nê mōšeh in 34:29, 30, 35. 2. The question of the relation of 34:29-33 to 34:34,35.
Ad 1.: The traditional interpretation: qrn = ‘to shine’, is considered to be the least debatable among the various interpretations. In the context of Exodus it presents the most adequate sense. By the radiance on his face Moses is legitimated as YHWH’s in-timate and representative.
Ad 2.: To 34:34, 35 the following tendency is attributed: YHWH’s precepts, given to Moses inside the sanctuary, have the same divine authority as the ordinances revealed on Mount Sinai (cf. 34:29-33). By the transfiguration of Moses’ face the divine origin of his words is guaranteed.