oa De nieuwe nieuwe-religies in Japan
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 44, Issue 2, Apr 1990, p. 89 - 108
- 01 Apr 1990
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In the years following World War II Japan wrote history with new religions, the so-called shinkoshukyo. In a few years these religions scored records in conversions unparalleled in religious history. Nowadays, that is to say from 1973, the year of the oil crisis, onwards the same phenomenon is recurring in the shin shin-shukyo, the new new-religions. In this article attention will be paid to these two phenomena in three paragraphs:
1. the growth of new religions in Japan’s history;
2. the concepts of shinkoshukyo and shin shin-shukyo;
3. some characteristics of the shin shin-shukyo.
© J.H. Kamstra