oa Forma lucis: Een gereformeerde theologie van de kleur
*De inhoud van dit artikel is besproken met Prof.dr. E.J. Beker, dr. M A. Smalbrugge en drs. J.H. Hoekert, die ik hartelijk dank voor hun commentaren.
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 50, Issue 2, Apr 1996, p. 135 - 151
- 01 Apr 1996
Can theological aesthetics be the startingpoint of Calvinist theology, and if so, which aesthetics? In the aesthetics of Kant, Calvin, Bonaventura and Barth, form is a central notion. Theological form is defined as the relation between God, reality and believer. Thus it is closely connected to the imaginability of God. Kant and Bonaventura make no eschatological reservation toward form, while Calvin and Barth see form as a prolepsis, which expects eschatological affirmation. In Bonaventura colour as forma lucis is forma Dei. According to Barth, the lights of creation reflect Jesus Christ. Therefore forma lucis is forma creationis. Calvinistic theological form is open, and the Holy Spirit links God, reality and believer in an endless variety of images. God grants his own presence, and the clear white light of this presence shines on everyday life. This light is a prolepsis of the eschatological light. This theological aesthetics must be the startingpoint of Calvinistic theology, in which the forma lucis is forma lucis Spiritualis.