oa Fundamenteel ethisch onderzoek vanaf 1980 in het perspectief van de protestantse theologie Een overzicht
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 51, Issue 2, Apr 1997, p. 117 - 139
- 01 Apr 1997
This article offers a survey of recent research in fundamental Christian ethics, from the perspective of Protestant theology. It shows that besides the concept of morals as autonomous, and besides the still predominant tradition of rational deliberation (with its focus on the moral act and decision in isolation from the moral subject and the moral purpose) there are to be discerned three concepts, in which the moral act is embedded in a wider moral theology. The first of these three concepts is an anthropological one (T. Rendtorff), the second consists in an evangelical proclamation of the created moral order (O. O’Donovan), while the third has its centre in ecclesiology (S. Hauerwas). These concepts have in common that new attention is given to the ethical subject and the moral purpose, which is also perceptible in recent Roman Catholic writings and in feminist ethics. It has its parallel and part of its inspiration in the works of moral philosophers like A. MacIntyre and Ch. Taylor.