oa ‘Leer hem de Psalmen, want ik heb hem nodig!’ De Bijbel in het werk van Cyrillus van Skythopolis
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 53, Issue 4, Oct 1999, p. 274 - 285
- 01 Oct 1999
In the middle of the sixth century CE the Greek monk Cyril of Scythopolis withdrew to the famous monastery of Sabas in the Kidron Valley to the south-east of Jerusalem in order to write biographies of the most influential Palestinian desert fathers. In this article the author investigates the formative role the Bible played in the way Cyril pictured these Christian heroes of ascetism and the crucial role his desert hermeneutics played in the way he reads Scripture.
© Pieter W. van der Horst