oa Denken van Wie ons ontsnapt
Rationele theologie en de transcendentie van God*Deze titel is een zinspeling op de titel van W. Derkse (red ), Denken van wat ons ontsnapt: Essays over de relevantie van de metafysica. Kampen 1996.
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 54, Issue 2, Apr 2000, p. 145 - 157
- 01 Apr 2000
Building on analyses by HJ. Adriaanse and R. de Sousa, the authors try to show that the fact that God transcends human thought need not be an obstacle for the articulation of a rational theology. They distinguish between two criteria for evaluative rationality: material and formal rationality. Materially, God should be said to be perfectly rational; formally, however, God should be viewed as suprarationally irrational. However, this metaphysical assertion in no way reduces the logical rationality of God-talk, and only has limited implications for the epistemological rationality of our knowledge of God.