oa Die hermeneutische Wende der Religionsphilosophie
*Dieser Artikel ist wesentlich der Text, den Professor Jean Greisch auf dem Kolloquium ‘Posttheismus und die Zukunft der Religionsphilosophie’, das am 13. April 2000 in Leiden zur Gelegenheit des 60. Geburtstags von Professor H.J. Adriaanse veranstaltet worden ist, vorgetragen hat.
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 55, Issue 1, Jan 2001, p. 31 - 50
- 01 Jan 2001
In line with Paul Ricoeur’s phenomenologically inspired hermeneutical philosophy this essay explores the possibilities of an hermeneutical philosophy of religion. The difference between philosophy of religion and ‘religious philosophy’ is stressed. In the present-day context we need a triangular conversation between philosophy, theology, and the sciences of religion. Finally, Lessing’s maxim ‘nur wer auszulegen weiss, versteht’ is applied to his own famous parable of the ring. The conclusion is drawn that the contemporary predicament of growing plurality asks for an hermeneutical approach, which is based on reciprocity.