oa Religieuze ervaring en geloofsverantwoording Rationaliteit als levenscategorie
*Deze bijdrage is een uitwerking van een lezing gehouden op de vergadering van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Godsdienstwijsbegeerte van 16 juni 2001.
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 56, Issue 3, Jul 2002, p. 177 - 198
- 01 Jul 2002
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The justification of religious belief has been traditionally characterised by strong or weak foundationalism and evidentialism. An alternative is provided in this article: the justification of religious belief characterised by the rationality as a category of life. First, the author comments on Alston’s Perceiving God, where he maintains that an immediate perception of God has a non-conceptual character of presentation. Second, this article proposes viewing rationality as a category of life. Third, an initial impulse is given to the justification of religious belief on the basis of rationality as a category of life. Epistemology needs to be fused with hermeneutics. There is an alternative to the dilemma posed by strong foundationalism and contextualism. On the one hand, the Christian faith claims that it provides a disclosure of reality. On the other, rationality is person- and context-relative. There are standards of rationality that are applicable across all practices. Because the rationality of Christian faith is not exclusively internal to its own practice, there is the possibility of the discussion between theology and the scienccs and other worldviews.