oa Grensverleggende exploratie Een (godsdienst)psychologische verkenning van verbeelding
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 56, Issue 2, Apr 2002, p. 115 - 129
- 01 Apr 2002
In psychology of religion, the importance of the human capacity for imagination is stressed by authors like P.W. Pruyser (1992, originally 1976) and B. Beit-Hallahmi (1989). Yet, a conceptual analysis of imagination, as a necessary foundation for empirical research, is missing. In this article, it is tried to clarify the concept of imagination with the help of the thought of J. Dewey – especially his psychology of art – for the benefit of research on the relationship between aesthetic and religious experiences.
© Hans Alma