Volume 57, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 2542-6583
  • E-ISSN: 2590-3268
  • oa Empirisme, Postmodernisme en Godsdienstwijsbegeerte De postmoderne kritiek op het empiristische denken en de consequenties voor de godsdienstwijsbegeerte

    *Ik dank Luco van den Brom voor zijn commentaar op een eerdere versie van dit artikel (ter gelegenheid van zijn ‘response paper’ op de lezing die ik voor de Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Godsdienstwijsbegeerte in juni 2000 heb gehouden). Verder dank ik Marcel Sarot, Wilko van Holten, Taede Smedes en Henk-Jan Prosman voor hun grammaticale en inhoudelijke correcties en suggesties.

  • By D.-M. Grube
  • Publisher: Amsterdam University Press
  • Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 57, Issue 4, Oct 2003, p. 321 - 337
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.5117/NTT2003.4.005.GRUB
  • Language: Dutch
    • Published online: 01 Oct 2003



In section 1 of this article, it is stated that an empiricist frame of reference limits the possibilities of theorising in religion in counterproductive ways. Empiricism has resulted in an ‘obsession with experience’ which philosophers of religion, such as Alston, overlook to the detriment of their own theorising. In section 2, the postmodernist (R. Rorty’s) criticism of empiricism and of realism is discussed. In section 3, an alternative to Rorty is suggested which shares his criticism of empiricism but provides the resources to accommodate stronger realist claims, viz. a coherentist holism (thesis 2). It is argued that such a holistic version of realism can accommodate the strong features of postmodernism, e.g. its criticism of empiricism, while being capable of avoiding its shortcomings, e.g. its antirealism.


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