oa [Theologie und Religionswissenschaft: Gegenseitige Inspiration und Irritation zweier komplementärer Wissenschaften, Theology and Religious Studies: Mutual Inspiration and Irritation Between two Complementary Disciplines]
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 59, Issue 2, Apr 2005, p. 124 - 141
Theology and religious studies answer distinct questions: Theology is committed to the truth of a concrete religion, but lacks universality. Religious studies are dealing with all religions, but are bracketing off the question of truth. Both are for the time being incomplete, because all academic studies must combine universality and truth. Both need one another. The article outlines the way how general religious studies may help theology to a better understanding of its task – especially by explaining the theological contrast between ‘revelation vs. religion’ as a typical phenomenon of ‘secondary religions’ which originated by criticism of primary religions.
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