Volume 60, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 2542-6583
  • E-ISSN: 2590-3268


Inspired by the contemporary interest in the ‘rewritten Bible’ phenomenon, this article offers a detailed comparative study of the account of Israel’s first judge (‘Othniel’) in Judges 3:7-11 and its Josephan version in . 5.179-184, where the figure is called ‘Keniaz’. Josephus, the study finds, significantly amplifies the Bible’s presentation, likewise redirecting attention from the theological to the political sphere when describing the nature of Israel’s offense that sets events in motion. Josephus’ version further evidences a number of similarities and differences with Pseudo-Philo’s rewriting of the biblical Othniel story in his Liber 25-28. At the same time, Pseudo-Philo has much more to tell about the personage than either the Bible or Josephus.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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