oa [Het ‘onliturgische’ karakter van de Liturgische Beweging, The ‘Unliturgical’ Character of the Liturgical Movement]
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 61, Issue 2, May 2007, p. 109 - 122
In dialogue with the Dutch liturgical scholars Marcel Barnard and Paul Post, who recently stated that the context of late modernity takes us necessarily ‘beyond the Liturgical Movement’, Mattijs Ploeger sketches the Liturgical Movement as a school of not just liturgical but also theological (biblical, patristic) reassessment. He calls this primarily theological and only secondarily ritual identity the Liturgical Movement’s ‘unliturgical’ character. Paradoxically, at the time when this theological-liturgical school began to be recognised widely (the 1960s), it was simultaneously regarded as rendered out of date by a new type of theology which became dominant from that time onwards. This article claims that choosing the ethos of the Liturgical Movement as a source for the identity of today’s church is – rather than an outdated attitude – one possible way of responding to the context of late or post-modernity.