oa [Is euthanasie een maakbare dood? Een bijdrage vanuit het perspectief van de meldingsprocedure, Dominion Over Death? Euthanasia from the Perspective of the Review Procedure]
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 63, Issue 2, Jan 2009, p. 154 - 163
Euthanasia can be viewed as a necessary response to extreme terminal suffering, but also as a brave expression of humans taking their destiny in their own hands. Reports sent to euthanasia review committees often motivate a patient’s choice for euthanasia in terms of an autonomous choice. On the basis of an analysis of 1,000 euthanasia cases from the review procedure in the years 2005-2008, it is argued that euthanasia in the Netherlands is predominantly an emergency reaction rather than an expression of autonomy. From a closer look at the data we learn that the autonomy card is only played in the context of extreme suffering without any prospect of improvement.
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