oa [Genesis herschreven en geïnterpreteerd in het boek Jubileeën, nader toegelicht met een vergelijking van Genesis 17 en Jubileeën 15, Genesis 17 Rewritten in Jubilees 15]
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 64, Issue 1, Jan 2010, p. 32 - 50
The present paper investigates the way an authoritative text (Genesis 17) was rewritten in Jubilees 15. The source text is almost completely rewritten. By way of omissions, variations and additions, the author of the new text modifies the older text. He interprets the making of the covenant between God and Abraham as a renewal. Moreover, the author tries to diminish the prominent place of Ishmael at the circumcision. The addition at the end is related to the exact date of the circumcision and the curse related to it that is connected with the exclusive covenantal relationship.
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