oa [Het laatste oordeel – een onderwerp in recente preken?, The Last Judgment – A Topic in Recent Sermons?]
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 65, Issue 4, Jan 2011, p. 321 - 334
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This article traces what is said about the last judgment in recent sermons. In most of the sermons this is simply nothing. In the sermons of the ministers who do talk about it, the following three motives can be identified: the problems of modern man with this topic, the warning of an upcoming judgment after death, and the critique on the notion of the last judgment from a standpoint of apocatastasis. There appears to be the following split: ministers announcing the judgment after death do not care about the problems of modern man with this, while ministers who are engaged with the problems of modern man do not realise that a part of their listeners still fear hell and eternal damnation.
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