Volume 77, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 2542-6583
  • E-ISSN: 2590-3268



The loss of relevance of the Old Testament in church and society is in no small part related to the difficulty one has with the Old Testament image of God. In this article, I give a brief outline of the image of God in the book of Jeremiah, which is considered one of the darkest books of the Old Testament. The tension between the two main lines of Jeremiah’s image of God, sovereignty and compassion, gives this image a great dynamic. This is not about contrasting images of God, but about a paradoxical high tension that is peculiar to the preaching of the book of Jeremiah, against the background of the deepest crisis in the existence of Judah and Jerusalem. However, the preaching of this book became of great significance for a severely traumatized community, to draw hope from it to rebuild an existence. Jeremiah’s image of God addresses the reality of concrete life, while vague or humanizing images of God tend to move away from it.


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