Volume 77, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 2542-6583
  • E-ISSN: 2590-3268



The concept of figure was used by theology from its origins in Paul of Tarsus to the explicit strange hybridisation that is present in Sacred Scriptures of the symbolic—the space of discourse and meanings—and the historical— the space of existence. With the publication of , Eric Auerbach offered a genealogy of the idea of figure that made its use possible in disciplines other than theology. Considering the genealogy of the figure presented by Auerbach, this article explores the possibilities offered by figural thinking for opening new avenues in political-theological research. To this end, the article will, firstly, relocate the meaning of the theological idea of figuration in one of the representatives of 20th-century theology, Henry de Lubac. Secondly, the article will briefly recover the idea of figuration in Eric Auerbach’s genealogy in (1956) and compare it with the similar concept of signature, coined by Michel Foucault and Giorgio Agamben, which, unlike figuration, has been prolifically exploited in contemporary political theology. The article will conclude with some remarks to explore the possibilities of the political implications of figural theology.


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