Volume 78, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 2542-6583
  • E-ISSN: 2590-3268



In 2023, the SCP introduced a new classification of seven distinct social classes. In this article we combine data about religious affiliation and social class. We show that the Protestant Church (PKN) predominantly attracts individuals from the middle classes. Contrarily, the Roman Catholic Church and other religious affiliations are more prevalent among the precarious and uncertainly employed. Religion remains intertwined with social and economic disparities, emphasizing its significance in understanding Dutch societal dynamics. Using Samuel Wells' ethics of ‘being with’ we argue that religious communities that include the precarious and uncertainly employed, will find it easier to engage with individuals experiencing scarcity. Wells’ approach offers religious communities a reflective framework to embrace diversity and address societal inequalities. This approach, while simple, fosters genuine connections and communal support, essential for religious institutions navigating societal inequalities without shouldering disproportionate burdens.


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