oa Opinie: Beleid informele zorg - Katalysator voor genderongelijkheid in de derde leeftijd?
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, Volume 16, Issue 2, Jun 2013, p. 42 - 46
The third age is a concept popularised by British social-historian Peter Laslett. It refers to an idyllic stage in the life course in which individuals are freed from work and family obligations, while having the means and health to pursue life goals. I argue that differences between men and women in the extent to which they provide of informal care, render gender inequality in the likelihood of experiencing a third age as described by Laslett highly likely. Furthermore, I posit that policy measures stimulating informal caregiving, though typically de jure gender neutral, can be expected to reinforce this form of gender inequality.
© 2013 Amsterdam University Press