oa Over het belang van een intersectioneel feminisme
Interview met Evelien Geerts en Hanan Challouki
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, Volume 19, Issue 4, Nov 2016, p. 451 - 468
During the summer of 2016, Kif Kif, a local Belgian antiracist movement, organised the first Gender & Super-diversity summer school with support from the Belgian feminist group Vrouwen Overleg Komitee (now Furia) and ella – the Belgian non-profit knowledge centre for gender and ethnicity. This interview with the summer school’s initiator, Evelien Geerts, who is currently a PhD student at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and a member of Furia and Kif Kif, and the summer school’s co-organiser, Kif Kif-employee Hanan Challouki, addresses the summer school itself, their personal passion for activism, and the importance of intersectional feminism in the super diverse society of Belgium, both on an academic and activist level. Apart from addressing the notions and theories of intersectionality and super-diversity – a term that has gained more and more academic popularity in the UK and Belgium, and mainly accentuates the already-existing and ever-increasing diversity among minority groups, cultures, and subcultures within diverse societies – the interview also touches upon topics such as the current-day political situation in Belgium and Flanders, gender and diversity in academia, the institutionalisation of the discipline of gender studies, and the rise of a neoliberal discourse in Belgium.