oa Een man! Zelfs een vader! Over feminisme!1
Reactie op Ewoud Engelen, De mythe van de gemaakte vrouw
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, Volume 20, Issue 1, Mar 2017, p. 23 - 33
In this contribution Bosch, sharply criticises Ewoud Engelen’s pamphlet De mythe van de gemaakte vrouw. Nieuw licht op het feminisme (The myth of the fabricated woman. New light on feminism, 2016), which he wrote at the request of debate center ‘Nieuw Licht’. Instead of an analysis of De Beauvoir’s relevance for contemporary feminisms, he gives us a generalising diatribe against ‘career feminists’ who are encapsulated by neoliberalist lust for power and betray good old sociocritical feminism. It places him in the same category of good old socialists such as Pieter Jelles Troelstra, accusing suffragists of ‘bourgeois feminism’ (damesfeminisme).
© 2017 Amsterdam University Press