oa Integriteit in kwantitatief, empirisch onderzoek
Problemen en mogelijke oplossingen
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, Volume 38, Issue 2, Sep 2016, p. 119 - 131
Research integrity in quantitative, empirical studies: problems and potential solutions
In the social sciences, there is an important debate about how to do good empirical research and how to publish about it. As this journal, the Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, also regularly publishes empirical studies, the present article aims to open the debate in the field of language and communication. After outlining the major problems associated with research integrity and developing potential solutions to these problems, we invited researchers from the field of language and communication to present their views, which are published as reactions to this paper in the current issue of this journal.
© 2016 Amsterdam University Press