oa Strategisch manoeuvreren met stijl
Een systematische benadering
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, Volume 41, Issue 1, Apr 2019, p. 75 - 88
- 01 Apr 2019
Strategic maneuvering with style: a systematic approach
In the extended pragma-dialectical approach to argumentation (Van Eemeren, 2010), presentational devices are distinguished as one of the three aspects of strategic maneuvering by arguers in argumentative discourse. Language – or stylistic – devices are an important subset of presentational devices. However, analyses of stylistic devices are often ad hoc: in most cases, a systematic analysis of these devices employed by arguers is lacking. This paper has two (interrelated) aims. Firstly, we aim to show how a systematic analysis of stylistic devices can be integrated in a pragma-dialectical analysis of strategic maneuvering in argumentative discourse. To this end, we make use of methodological insights from linguistic stylistics. Secondly, we argue that the proposed integration of pragma-dialectical argumentation theory and linguistic stylistics is of added value for both disciplines. Our approach and its added value is illustrated by a case study: the pleadings that were delivered in a Dutch civil law case.