Volume 46, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1573-9775
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1236



The spelling of English verbs in Dutch texts is a stumbling block for many language users. In this study the errors in the spelling of loan verbs were compared with those of non-loan verbs, based on data from Dutch students aged 12-18. Three research questions were asked: first, to what extent does the loan-word status of a verb play a role in spelling errors, second to what extent is there a relationship between verb tense and spelling errors, and third, to what extent is there a relationship between stem ending and spelling errors? Based on the analysis of a large-scale dataset, it is concluded that loan-verb status does indeed play a role, that most spelling errors are made in past tense conjugations and that a limited number of stem endings are involved in the majority of spelling errors. This contribution ends with recommendations for language education.


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