Heritage, Memory and Conflict Journal | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online

Heritage, Memory and Conflict Journal

Focus and Scope

Heritage, Memory and Conflict Journal (HMC) is an international, peer-reviewed, diamond open access Journal that critically analyses the tangible and intangible remnants, traces and spaces of the past in the present, as well as the remaking of pasts into heritage and memory, including processes of appropriations and restitutions, significations and musealization and mediatisation. This interdisciplinary journal addresses the dynamics of memory and forgetting, as well as the politics of trauma, mourning and reconciliation, identity, nationalism and ethnicity, heritage preservation and restoration, material culture, conservation and management, conflict archaeology, dark tourism, diaspora and postcolonial memory, terrorscapes, migration, borders, and the mediated re-enactments of conflicted pasts.
 HMC covers the fields of memory studies, cultural studies, museum studies, arts and media and performative studies, postcolonial studies, ethnology, Holocaust and genocide studies, conflict and identity studies, archaeology, material culture and landscapes, conservation and restoration, cultural, public and oral history, critical and digital heritage studies. By crossing academic, artistic and professional boundaries, the journal aims to offer an interdisciplinary space for the rich scholarship in these fields, and to contribute to a better understanding of the extent to which memory sites and discourses operate as vehicles at local, national and transnational levels.

Publication Ethics

Amsterdam University Press and the editors of the Journal of European Landscapes endorse the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines and will pursue cases of suspected research and publication misconduct (e.g. falsification, unethical experimentation, plagiarism, inappropriate image manipulation, redundant publication). By submitting an article for review to this journal, the editors and the publisher will understand the author agrees to adhere to the principles and practices as set out in AUP’s Ethics and Malpractice statement. For further information about the COPE principles on publication ethics, please see http://www.publicationethics.org

Editorial Procedure

This journal uses a double-blind peer review process, which means that both reviewer and author's names are concealed throughout the review process. To facilitate this, authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not reveal their identity. The editorial board decides whether to accept, conditionally accept or reject the manuscript. If the article is conditionally accepted, it will be returned to the author for revision, upon which the editors take the final decision to accept or reject the article for publication. Authors will need to sign a Consent to Publish Agreement prior to publication. 

The editors will endeavour to review your article as quickly as possible, but they are reliant on the availability of suitable referees. To expedite the review process it is important to follow the directions given in this document and address any recommendations given in the review reports in a separate document when you submit your revised manuscript to the managing editor.

Open Access

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. This is a Diamond Open Access journal: it provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Authors do not have to provide open access charges to publish in this journal. The journal is financially supported by the Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture (AHM), University of Amsterdam.

Authors keep the copyright to their articles but are required to sign a Consent-to-Publish form based on the CC-BY 4.0 license. You can download the form from the AUP website here.

It is the author’s responsibility to seek permission for the use of any copy-righted materials from the rights-holders and pay for any fees required. In case of doubt whether permission is needed, please contact the rightsholder in question.

Voluntary article processing charge

For publication in Open Access for this journal, no contribution by the author is a requirement. So far, the journal has been able to support all publications in Open Access thanks to the support of our sponsors. Nevertheless the editorial board strongly advises researchers in funded projects to make a voluntary contribution to the journal. As an indication, a research paper costs € 1000,- to publish, whereas a project description, interview or book review costs €500,-. Please contact the Managing Editor for more information on how you can support this journal by using available funds for the voluntary Open Access contribution.

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