oa Training, Education and Upbringing as the Principles of the Educational Concept. Moscow Conservatory of the Pre-Revolutionary Period (to the 155th Anniversary of Its Foundation)
- Publisher: Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Social Sciences and Humanities Proceedings, The 5th International Conference on Art Studies: Research, Experience, Education (ICASSEE 2021), Dec 2021, Volume 1, p.282 - 290
- ISBN: 9789048557240
The great achievement of the famous Russian Musical Society was the opening in the second half of the XIX century of the first conservatories in Russia — St. Petersburg (1862) and Moscow (1866). Through their work, they implemented the main goals defined in the statutes of the Society — the development of professional music education and musical culture in Russia. The article examines on the example of the Moscow Conservatory the basic principles of educational activity of higher educational institutions of the Society — training, enlightenment and upbringing. Some little-known details and features of the content of the training course are disclosed. The importance of the concert and educational direction and the role played by the director, teachers, and students in it is noted. Educational measures permeated the entire educational process: teachers set an example to students with their mastery of the profession, and students were obliged to observe the rules of conduct at the conservatory. The management of the conservatory considered the early education of artistic skills in students as a necessary performing experience, as well as for the implementation of the educational idea of introducing the public to high academic art.