
The contemporary world goes through a fundamental change with the acceleration of processes and events, which has had an impact on the interactions between people and the ways in which we represent ourselves. Even if it has become easier to travel abroad, to meet and interact with people globally, through new technologies and modes of transport, our recent times have also seen tensions and prejudices growing within social and cultural in-groups and between out-groups. In this context, this paper aims to emphasize the importance of intercultural communication in crafting a global future. Too often in the literature about interculturality, the experience of living abroad is presented as an interculturalizing experience by itself. However, this research, based on a critical approach to interculturality, highlights the fact that international mobility is important but not sufficient to develop intercultural competences. Drawing on research about transnational cultural practices and global cultural connectivity, this paper will present the results of a case study on French people living in South Korea who produce videos on Youtube where they broadcast themselves but also frequently introduce South Korean-related topics to their French audience. Using both a critical intercultural communication approach and a media discourse analysis, I analyze how these French Youtubers broadcast themselves and represent their experiences of living abroad. The study shows that despite trying to engage in an intercultural perspective with their host country, their videos contribute, even implicitly, to reinforce several cultural stereotypes.


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