oa Unfinished Business: Mapping The Influence of The PRC & Taiwan in Sarawak through Qiaowu
- Publisher: Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Asian Studies, The Twelfth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 12), Jun 2022, Volume 1, p.339 - 354
- ISBN: 9789048557820
This paper maps the Overseas Chinese affairs/Qiaowu-specific policies of both the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Taiwan in Sarawak State, Malaysia. These two governments are spreading their own versions of influence to win the hearts and minds of the local Chinese communities. The PRC’s aim is to encourage the local Chinese to accept the PRC’s cultural and diplomatic sovereignty; whereas Taiwan wishes to remain separate from the PRC as a sovereign state. The PRC’s United Front Work Department manages Overseas Chinese affairs globally through a mechanism known as the ‘five bridges.’ For Taiwan, its Overseas Community Affairs Council provides links to the Overseas Chinese communities. In Sarawak, the Overseas Chinese affairs in general are managed by the PRC’s Consulate-General Office. For education purposes, Sarawak’s China Alumni, the Sarawak Liuhua is contesting with Sarawak Taiwan Graduates Association to attract local students to pursue tertiary education in either the PRC or Taiwan. The latter also manages Overseas Chinese affairs in Sarawak, especially involving applications for social visits and student visas to Taiwan. At this stage, the two governments are engaging with the local Chinese in Sarawak primarily via Chinese voluntary associations, through education, political-economic projects, and also the latest initiatives regarding medical aid to combat the Covid pandemic.