Volume 17, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 0921-5077
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7235


Social perception as entrance for systemwide organizational change: Change through a social constructionist' strategy

Social perception as entrance for systemwide organizational change: Change through a social constructionist' strategy

A.T.M. van Nistelrooij, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 17, august 2004, nr. 4, p. 242-521

By developing a strategy that links up with normative-re-educative assumptions of the Organization Development approach this article tries to extend the understanding of producing intentional change from a social-constructionist' perspective. This strategy is based on unfolding a dialogue with the whole system. A social-constructionist' approach respects the unique reality of each stakeholder, pays attention to the context, emphasises the symmetric and mutual nature of dialogue in which meanings are (re-)produced. The article points out that one of the most basic mechanism of realizing change is to discover in a conversational process that the interpretation that someone else puts on a concept is different from one's own. Regarding the planned change nature of OD there are some implications for the way a dialogue should be organized, the role of management and the selection of a suiting intervention method.


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