oa Emoties in arbeid en organisaties: Introductie op het thema
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 19, Issue 4, Dec 2006,
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Emotions in work and organizations: An introduction to the theme
B.A. Nijstad, G.A. van Kleef & J. de Jonge, Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 19, November 2006, nr. 4, pp. 313-322
The guest editors introduce the theme of this special issue on the role of emotions in work and organizations. The concepts of affect, emotion, and mood are defined, and the study of affect in organizations is put in a historic context. Examples of theoretical and empirical research in this field are given, in which the role of affect as a consequence, affect as a cause, and affect as a mediator is discussed. Finally, the five contributions to this special issue are briefly introduced. It is concluded that emotions in work and organizations is, and will be, an important issue for both society and science.