oa Is meer personeel in beweging beter?
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 21, Issue 4, Dec 2008,
Is more employee mobility preferable?
S. De Winne, D. Stynen, C. Gilbert & L. Sels, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 21, November 2008, nr. 4, pp. 344-364
Despite promising positive effects of labour market mobility, the Flemish labour market is synonymous with rigidity. The question is thus whether the rosy picture of the consequences of mobility holds out. Why are people not more mobile if this improves their welfare and prosperity? Why does HRM strongly focus on retention management if mobility enhances productivity? 'More is better' seems a premature conclusion. The purpose of this contribution is to critically reflect on the added value of labour market mobility. We sketch the debate on the macro-economic level and investigate research on the effects of mobility at three levels: we map costs and benefits for labour market functioning (macro), for firms (meso), and for individual careers (micro). With this contribution we show that benefits at one level do not necessarily go hand in hand with benefits at the other levels. We conclude that firm loyalty also yiels economic benefits; that more mobility is welcome, as far as it concerns protected mobility.