oa Loopbaansucces en welbevinden van Nederlandse werknemers M/V
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 21, Issue 4, Dec 2008,
Career success and well-being of Dutch employees (M/F)
P. Verdonk & A. de Rijk, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 21, November 2008, nr. 4, pp. 451-474
In this literature review, we discuss how the unequal division of care and the gender-segregated labor market relate to well-being and career success of Dutch employees M/F. Combining work and care contributes to well-being in women but forms an obstacle for their career success. Women have less career opportunities and career success than men which is related to the gender-segregation of sectors and professions. Women's unfavorable working conditions (such as less autonomy or sexual intimidation) play a role in gender differences in health complaints and in work disability. Traditional gender attitudes and practices are one explanatory component of the unequal division of care and gender segregation of the labor market. Researchers should pay more attention to gender as organizing principle. Changing stereotyped images is supported by less traditional, more modern visions about men and women's career choices and career success as well as contributing to employee well-being.